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3D Imaging VS Virtual Reality

Microsoft’s recent product named HoloLens 2 has gained great popularity in the professional world. Is it a device using 3D imaging or VR? We often tend to confuse these two terms. What is the difference between them? Why using a tool like HoloLens is beneficial in training?

3D Imaging

3D is an abbreviation of three dimensions. With this tool, it becomes possible to present an image in perspective. It is generally found in the cinema but today it is also used on game consoles such as the Nintendo 3DS and also some TV sets. What is the difference with the use of virtual reality? It should be noted that with VR, we can change the perspective observed. If we were to talk only about the comfort level and the practicality, many choices will be made for 3D. Why? Simply because watching 3D imagery only requires a TV screen, for example, and specialized glasses. Still, some don’t require them! On the other hand, VR must be viewed while wearing a headset, which sometimes gives feeling of being tight. However, if the main objective is to immerse yourself in the virtual world, VR is considerably more suitable. When watching a 3D video, we are aware that we are in a real room looking at a screen. Virtual reality, however, sometimes makes us forget our real world by immersing us in a completely different life.

Virtual Reality

Recently, Virtual Reality (VR) has become more and more popular. At the time of its release and launch, it was mostly used in the context of video games. What is it really about? VR is a tool that uses 3D but in a more complex way since the image can be observed on several perspectives. Contrary to a simple 3D imagery, you have the possibility to see what happens around the scene. What is the principle? The computer generates the contents of the scene using special programs. An environment is thus created by it. The user, by using VR, will be completely immersed in it. You can turn your head down or to the right, having the impression that the image is real and that you are part of the “virtual” world! Generally, Virtual Reality requires the use of special headsets but sometimes simple 3D glasses are enough.

Microsoft HoloLens 2

HoloLens 2 was designed by Microsoft and is now attracting interest from many companies. It uses what is called “mixed reality”. It introduces virtual objects in the real world! This means that it combines virtual reality and augmented reality. Thanks to these tools, you will be able to see 3D images in the room you are in. As the name suggests, the principle is to project holograms in your world. Unlike 3D or simple VR, you have the ability to interact with the objects in the scene. The user, in fact, can manipulate them, move them, for example. Mixed reality requires the use of headsets, or CAVEs or other hardware. Microsoft HoloLens 2 has its own glasses! Microsoft HoloLens 2 can be used in different ways. Companies can use it during their production or during the training of employees. Today, companies in the automotive sector and even in medicine use it. It is, in fact, known to have various advantages that are hard to ignore.

Microsoft HoloLens 2 Advantages

Popular among technology enthusiasts and companies, it is obvious that Microsoft HoloLens 2 has many advantages. Let’s take a look at four of them.

  • Better quality control: It gives the user the opportunity to be able to interact with virtual objects. The immersive experience is thus enhanced which allows instant and efficient supervision of managers in a company.
  • Remote collaboration: it becomes easier to collaborate and discuss a technical project with distant partners. Through the use of holograms, collaborators can manipulate the same virtual machine.
  • Overcoming time-related challenges: it is easier and faster to communicate information between collaborators. Thus, a company can easily improve its production processes.
  • Secure experience: designed by Microsoft, HoloLens technology guarantees safe use. Many companies have had the experience following the example of Renault Truck.

Microsoft HoloLens and Global Formation

Do you want to train yourself to improve your professional skills? How can you ensure a good return on investment through training your employees? One of the most important criteria is the choice of trainer. Global Formation, a mining and industrial training company, is among the first mining training companies to use Microsoft HoloLens 2. For what reasons?

  • More accelerated training: The fact is that the employee can use it anytime, anywhere. So he can interact with the equipment while remaining in the office or at home. This saves him travel and saves time. The trainer, on the other hand, can train workers in other countries and other branches. He can, for example, supervise the use of a machine while working remotely.
  • More practical training: Now the instructions are no longer put on paper but can be applied with virtual tools. Holograms can give workers a sense of being in the field, which is very effective in training. While being in the field, it is also possible to use Microsoft HoloLens 2. For example, when an employee wants to use a machine but it requires certain steps to be followed, it is possible to display those steps in the real world.
  • Safer training: In mining training, it is essential that employees know how to handle machines properly. Nevertheless, if they handle these tools directly, they could make mistakes and damage them. Microsoft HoloLens 2 helps mitigate the risks during sensitive and high-risk operations.