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4 key points to measure the effectiveness of a training platform

The worker’s training allows him to increase his performance and improve the competitiveness of the company in which he works. It is also useful for him to better contribute to the safety of his workplace. However, managers are sometimes hesitant about the effectiveness of a training.

How do we know that our investment in training will not turn into an unnecessary expense? If you are wondering, it is possible to determine the effectiveness of such a program. This article tells you all about it and offers many tips to avoid unforeseen events at the end of the training.

1) Define the needs and objectives

These steps can be taken into account in all training programs without limits of sector. However, in this article, we will focus on activities in the industry sector. Ineffective training in these areas, in fact, can be very costly to the company as well as to the health and safety of the workers! Before starting a training program, it is therefore crucial for a company or the manager to determine its objectives.

The question is, “Why do we need to use this training?”. The objective may be for a group of workers, but it may also be for the improvement of the entire company! Some companies use training to increase their profitability and thus increase their capital. Others, in addition to these goals, want to focus on the health and safety of their workers. In the industrial area, then, that goal may be “a decrease in work-related accidents!”

Once you have defined your goals, it is also essential to identify well in advance not only what is needed, but also what means will be used to achieve it. You might, for example, determine in advance which employees will be available for the training. Should all staff in this department complete the training or only the least competent and new ones? How long will the program take so that it does not impact production?

2) Identify and select a good training provider

Defining your goals is a good way to achieve them. It is, in fact, more useful to know where you are going! Having determined what the company or worker wants from a training, the next step is to choose the best way to get there. While some organizations conduct the course in-house, others prefer to outsource this opportunity to a professional. The latter is beneficial in that the training requires the use of someone experienced and competent in the field.

It also allows managers to focus on more important tasks. However, be sure to select a training company whose learning methods and quality of training are appropriate for you. It is always best to choose a team that is ready to support you with your goals and expectations in mind!

Global Formation, is a company that specializes in online training for workers in the mining and manufacturing sector. Through its platform named PAELO, it has the ability to offer courses in line with your goals. Since it is a LMS (Learning Management System or online multimedia training), the worker has the ability to work from home at any time.

This is beneficial in that he or she does not have to stop working during the training period. Turn to Global Formation to increase your employees’ performance and contribute to workplace safety!

3) Track your progress through the program

During the training, a trainer assist workers so they can meet the company’s expectations and the company in turn, can meet its customers’ expectations. With Global Formation, the curriculum is adjusted according to the client’s needs. Then, to ensure that the training has a positive impact on the organization, the trainer checks several points.

For example, he examines the interest of the worker in the program through participation, the knowledge acquired through exercises, practice, etc. Note, however, that it is not only the trainer who can track the workers’ progress!

From now on, you don’t have to wait for the worker to make a mess at work to realize that there was a problem during the training! Thanks to the PAELO platform, the manager or other supervisors can also perform a follow-up of the program. Since it is an application that allows interaction, you can directly assign content to participants. You will also have the ability to monitor whether the training is carried out according to your expectations.

4) Perform an end-of-training check

At the end of a training, it is normal that your attention is focused on the result! Did the participants acquire the necessary knowledge? Will the application of the program bring about a change in the company? Here are some ideas that may help:

  • Check the level of knowledge your workers have acquired: you can check it through a test, or verbally ask them the question. Don’t hesitate to ask them about their commitment to apply this knowledge.
  • Measure by observing behaviors: observe for a few days how the participants act. Do you notice any evidence of improvement? Has a goal been achieved? For example, does the worker manage to better control the risks when working at height?
  • Identify the different impacts on the company: have you noticed an improvement in customer satisfaction? What about the return on investment? Have workplace accidents decreased as a result of health and safety training?